Welcome to the Jackalope Museum!


You find this old house at the edge of the neighborhood. It is much deeper in the woods than the suburban homes you passed to get here. A sign at the top of the house proudly proclaims, "Welcome to the Jackalope Museum!" This museum home claims to have the most information on Jackalopes in the world. That claim is likely just a marketing strategy, but you are curious. What will you find within these walls?

You were sent here to investigate. You see, you are not a curious civilian, but a secret detective. Rumors about this house have been speading quickly. Strange thumps from inside. Loud screeches. The museum curator going into the wood late in the night. Furthermore, how does she know so much about jackalopes?

The front door is held open by a little rabbit doorstop. Well, it was a rabbit doorstop, but somebody glued little antlers to it. A woman greets you as you step inside. The blue walls of the house immeadiatly envelop you. She sits behind a desk.She doesn't know you are a detective. She thinks you are a normal visitor. This museum charges admission, so you hand her a $5 bill. She smiles and places it into an empty desk drawer labelled 'admission fees'. It seems like there haven't been many visitors lately.

Museum Curator: "Hello, welcome to the jackalope museum! Please talk to me if you have any questions!"

Investigate Further?

A jackalope shadow

Learn more about jackalopes

A jackalope shadow
